Cannabis Oil

There are two differents types of cannabis Oil, both for medical use, CBD-Oil the legal one, and Cannabis Oil with high percentage of THC.


You can buy cbd oil by clicking the CBD banners in our online shop


The most practise use to make your oil yourself is the so called "Rick Simpson's methode" as you can see in the video below.




While the method described in this video is very safe, it's important to note that the safety stems from following the instructions to a tee. ALL solvents are highly flammable and MUST BE treated with extreme caution and care.

How to Make Rick Simpson's Medicinal Hemp Oil Safely

what you need for making your own cannabis oil

Hemp oil is a collective name for all types of oil from the hemp plant. There are different types of hemp oil:


Hemp oil which is pressed from the seeds of the hemp plant. This oil is better known as hemp seed oil. It contains a perfect ratio of essential omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. 


Hemp oil which is pressed from the hemp leaves, the most famous hemp oil made from leaves, is CBD oil.

CBD or Cannababidiol belongs to cannabinoids. There are dozens of types of cannabinoids, of which CBD is best known alongside THC. CBD, unlike THC, has no hallucinatory effect. It is not addictive and has no side effects.


CBD is in contrast to THC, a legal substance available everywhere in Europe as a dietary supplement. CBD products contain less than 0.2% THC. You therefore run no risk that the use of CBD will affect your perception.

All parts of the plant


CBD oil is an entirely vegetable and natural product. The CBD substance is obtained from the flower and leaves of the hemp plant. This CBD is then dissolved in a natural oil such as olive oil, hemp seed oil or coconut oil, thereby producing CBD oil. CBD oil is sold as a dietary supplement, usually in the form of oil and capsules, but also as a component of other products, such as skin care products.

THC and CBD components in hemp

The hemp plant consists of many components, more than 60 cannabinoids. The two main components are THC and CBD. CBD stands for CannaBiDiol and THC stands for TetraHydroCannabidiol. Hemp plants normally contain a lot of THC, while species with a lot of CBD are rare. CBD is therefore produced from industrial hemp which contains little or no THC and is therefore cultivated legally. CBD oil contains almost no THC.


The human body contains cannabinoid receptors that can connect to cannabinoids such as CBD and THC. Unlike the much better known THC, there is no psychoactive effect in CBD. So you don't get high or high on CBD like you do with THC.

The difference between CBD oil and Rick Simpson oil (cannabis oil that contains THC)

There is a lot of confusion between CBD oil and Rick Simpson oil. The two oils are believed to be identical. Both oils do indeed contain CBD, but that also means everything.


CBD is found to a large extent in the leaves and flowers of the hemp plant. The hemp plant consists of 480 active ingredients, 80 of which are characteristic of the cannabis plant.

Rick Simpson Oil

Rick Simpson oil, also known as cannabis oil or oil with THC, is made with another major component of the hemp plant, namely THC (tetrahydrocannabidiol).


This substance provides the psychoactive effect in the brain, which causes high (or high) because THC stimulates the release of dopamine in the brain. CBD (Cannabidiol) is a component of the hemp plant that has no psychoactive effects.

rick simpson

THC and CBD are both said to have physical effects, but in different areas. Depending on the purpose of use, CBD can be taken alone or with THC. If THC is taken with CBD, this is Rick Simpson's method.


However, the Rick Simpson method is illegal because the illegal psychoactive substance THC is used for this purpose. CBD suppresses and neutralizes the effects of THC. CBD ensures that THC is properly absorbed by the body. THC therefore requires CBD to be used. Conversely, this is not the case.

CBD can be used without THC. Much research is underway on the functioning of CBD (without THC) and the results are promising. However, this has not yet been scientifically proven.

Hemp seed oil with the right ratio of fatty acids

Another very powerful hemp oil is the oil extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant. The oil obtained from the seeds is hemp seed oil. This hemp seed oil contains the best source of essential fatty acids in the world and is therefore a complete source of nutrition. For proper functioning of the body, the essential fatty acids alpha linolenic acid and linoleic acid are essential.


Hemp seed oil has been known for decades as a food source and has been used as such around the world for centuries. It contains vitamins, the 8 essential amino acids and essential fatty acids 3 and 6. Each day 2 tablespoons of this oil gives everyone the benefits described above and is therefore your best choice as a daily food supplement.

What is the difference with regular CBD oil or pure CBD oil?

The difference between "regular or pure" CBD oil is the method of extraction. The CO2 extraction method is a gentle extraction method. With this method, all the ingredients of the plant (hemp) are extracted in their entirety. The substances CBC, CBN, CBV and CBG are also present in the oil in addition to CBD and CBDA.


There are extraction methods where all the ingredients are not extracted where parts of the ingredients are even lost. Consider techniques using heat or techniques based on toxic solvents. 


The advantages of CBD by CO2 extraction unlike the methods mentioned above (heat, solvents) (parts of) the nutrients are lost and the solvents are not only dangerous but also completely unsustainable. With the CO2 extraction method, safety, durability and a pure end product are guaranteed. In addition, this CBD oil is also easier to digest.

All the ingredients of the plant

CO2 extraction is a quick and less expensive method than the purification process of pure CBD oil. It is often called the "cold" method because no heat is involved when extracting the CBD from the hemp plant. The advantage is that in this way the different heat-sensitive vitamins and enzymes are not lost. Cold method also guarantees the conservation of all the ingredients of the hemp plant.

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