Sensi Seeds CBD Products – Reliable and Effective


Among the plethora of newly emerged products containing cannabidiol, how can you be sure which ones are of the highest quality and most reliable potency? The answer is simple – purchase CBD products from a company with over three decades of experience in cannabis and cannabinoids. Sensi Seeds has harnessed that experience to develop a range of new CBD-enriched products that you can find in this category.


Their CBD products are produced by their sister company HempFlax, ensuring quality control and product tracking from beginning to end of the manufacturing process.

10 ml 2.75 % CBD Oil contains 275 mg CBD € 19.95
10 ml 2.75 % CBD Oil contains 275 mg CBD € 19.95
10 ml 5% CBD Oil Gold contains 500 mg CBD € 11.95
10 ml 5% CBD Oil Gold contains 500 mg CBD € 11.95

30 ml 5% CBD Oil contains 1500 mg CBD € 29,95
30 ml 5% CBD Oil contains 1500 mg CBD € 29,95
30 ml 10% CBD Oil contains 3000 mg CBD € 49.95
30 ml 10% CBD Oil contains 3000 mg CBD € 49.95

60 CBD Capsules 15mg € 28,95
60 CBD Capsules 15mg € 28,95
60 CBD Capsules 20mg € 36,95
60 CBD Capsules 20mg € 36,95

Hemp oil

Hemp oil is a broad term encompassing all types of oil derived from the hemp plant. There are various varieties of hemp oil:


  1. Hemp seed oil: Extracted from the seeds of the hemp plant, this oil is commonly known as hemp seed oil. It boasts an ideal balance of essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
  2. CBD oil: Derived from pressing hemp flowers, the most renowned type of hemp oil is CBD oil.

CBD, or Cannabidiol, is classified as a cannabinoid. Among the numerous cannabinoids, CBD and THC are the most recognized. Unlike THC, CBD does not produce hallucinatory effects. It is non-addictive and has no known side effects.


CBD stands apart from THC as a legal substance, widely available throughout Europe as a dietary supplement. CBD products contain less than 0.2% THC, ensuring that their usage does not alter perception or pose any risk in this regard.



-> more information about cannabis oil clic here